Why would you buy Dragon Age: Inquisition for Xbox One, as opposed to your trusty old Xbox 360? Seemingly, because you'll get better water. Posting over on the BioWare blog, environment artists Andrew Farrell and Ben McGrath have said a little more about the game's technical make-up, using the Exalted Plains region as a case in point.
The area doesn't sound terribly exalted. It's a giant, swampy wilderness that was recently the site of a civil war. Stalemate now prevails thanks to an inconvenient and unexplained eruption of the living dead - doubtless, getting to the bottom of that will come high on your Inquisitorial to-do list. There are also Dalish Elves in the area, who may or may not take kindly to your presence.
"The first thing we [did] was try to portray the civil war and the impact it's having on the environment and the people of that region," Farrell told the site. "In these spaces, we try to provide opportunities for the Inquisition to come in and make its mark on the area. Then the people there rally around that."
In addition to the usual running, hacking, looting and magicking, Inquisition features a strategic meta-game whereby you establish keeps to unlock missions and opportunities in each area. This sounds a bit dry on paper, but it's actually tightly woven into the game's storyline - read my first look for more.
BioWare is particularly proud of the area's water features. "Interactive water is one of the key things we've added to next-gen," McGrath explained. "It's got realistic reflections, and also realistically ripples and splashes as you walk through it."
This is possible thanks to a process known as "displacement mapping", which (crudely summarised) makes textures look like they're 3D. "Displacement mapping adds a new level of realism to the environment," McGrath went on. "Normal maps [in previous-gen technology] brought great detail to surfaces, but displacement mapping actually pushes those details out so you can see them in the silhouette.
"The place where it's probably the most noticeable is on terrain. Pebbles, sand ripples, cobblestones, and other details all pop out from the terrain and make it far more detailed than ever before." Be sure to take a good, long look at the rocks when you visit the Exalted Plains, Xbox One owners.
Besides the warring armies and the living dead, the area is home to "halla" (horned deer), various birds and wolves (presumably the kind that carry forks and jewels in their stomachs). Head to the relatively claustrophobic Crow Fens, and you may also run into drakes, dragonlings and dragonkin.
"Get off the beaten path!" Farrell urged readers. "Just like exploring in real life, look under all the rocks, under all the bridges, and in all dark corners of the map. Take the path less-traveled and you might something interesting... or surprising."
Alternatively, burn through your main objectives and come back later - Inquisition's world is yours to explore at any point in the story. "You won't be locked out of an area. We've got a lot of space, so you definitely don't need to try and see everything on your first playthrough."