In this legendary reinvention of the Resident Evil™ franchise, Leon S. Kennedy, Raccoon City's idealistic rookie cop-turned government agent, is back and on a new action-packed mission. The President's daughter, Ashley Graham, has been kidnapped by a mysterious cult residing in the darkest corners of Europe and it's all up to Leon to find her. Battle your way through hordes of infected "Ganados," "Las Plagas" mutants, and terrifying boss battles as you delve deeper into the unknown to save Ashley and make it out alive!
Unforgettable Resident Evil™ action-horror from an over-the-shoulder perspective
Blast through hordes of infected Ganados and other threats with a variety of different upgradable weapons and items
Play as Leon S. Kennedy, one of the most popular heroes in the Resident Evil™ series
Full campaign story, additional bonus content, and "The Mercenaries" score attack game
Full Achievement and Trophy support